Thursday, March 31, 2022


I Will Fear No Evil!!

Psalm 23:4 (NLT)

"4 Even when I walk through the darkest valley,
I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.
Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me."

This Psalm of David shows God as a caring shepherd, one that can be depended on for guidance and protection. David found that he had all that he needed with God as his Shepherd. He was well aware of the constant need for protection and guidance that sheep need. He was a shepherd himself, for he kept his father’s sheep. He was fully aware of how timid and afraid sheep were and need the constant watchful eye of a loving shepherd for their survival. He spent many days and nights watching and tending to a herd of sheep. 


We are the sheep of God and He is the Great Shepherd. We need His constant love, guidance, and protection to be able to walk through life. There are times when we may feel as if we are going through a dark valley and cannot see the light of day. We are overcome with trials, grief, burdens, disappointments, and fear that will not let us move forward. Life seems overwhelming or the task ahead seems unattainable. And sometimes even death hovers over us or a loved one and we are afraid of what will happen to them or us without them.  


But David finds hope in the fact that with God as His Shepherd, he could even make it through dark valleys, low places, trouble, and not be afraid. How? Because the Great Shepherd knew what he needed and supplied all that he needed. He took him to the best pastures and the still waters. He was restored and at rest.  


Sheep are easily frightened and need the reassurance of their shepherd to calm down. God will give us peace that surpasses all understanding. There is no problem that is too big for God to handle. Even in the midst of the darkest of troubles and the strongest storms, God can speak peace to the wind and bring light. He is the light of the world. 


The shepherd always surveys the sheep to make sure they are alright. He looks out for them and over them. He takes care of all of their needs – food, water, a place to rest, safe passage over the terrain, protection from the wolves or enemies. He protects the sheep from other sheep that would cause harm to the flock.  


Because sheep are timid, they will not lie down until they are free of fear or friction with other sheep. They can be easily tormented by flies and parasites and will not rest. They also will not lie down if they are hungry. The shepherd must make sure all these needs are met so that the sheep will not be afraid. The presence of the shepherd in the field will quiet and calm down the sheep. God’s presence will give us peace as well. When you come to Him and get into His presence through prayer, worship, or meditation, He will calm down your fears. He promised to be with us and not forsake us.


As we develop a closer relationship with God, we embrace how much He loves us. We come to understand this scripture,31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31   God is for us and will fight on our behalf. 


Shepherds would take sheep on distant ranges and often had to go up steep mountains. The shepherd would not take them where they had not traveled before. The shepherd walked with and talked to the sheep as they passed on a small road on their journeys. To look down into the valley could cause a sheep to lose their footing and fall to sudden death in the valley. The shepherd was with them encouraging them to move forward and that he was with them. 


If you belong to God, God is with you. Let me say that again, God is with you. God will take care of you, provide for you, protect you and lead you safely to where He is calling you to go. We are living for Him and have that blessed hope that we will be with Him when we leave this earth. Even if you slip, God is right there to catch you. His rod and staff are made to protect you and correct or discipline wayward sheep. He will keep us in line if we yield to the Spirit of God. 


He will keep us safe from the hand of the enemy. Even if God allows trials and tests to come, He will be with you even in your darkest times. Hebrews 13:5b says, “for He has said, “I will never [under any circumstances] desert you [nor give you up nor leave you without support, nor will I in any degree leave you helpless], nor will I forsake or let you down or relax My hold on you [assuredly not]!”


As I close this month, I want you to know that fear is a trick and scheme of the enemy. It does not come from God but from the enemy. We do not have to bow to fear or allow it to paralyze us. We do need the help of the Holy Spirit to be able to overcome the plots and schemes of the adversary but we can and will. Just remember Is. 41:10, God says to Isaiah and the children of Israel and to us today. ““Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”

Be determined to say daily, I will not fear!!

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