Saturday, September 24, 2022

 Continual Praise

Ps. 34: 1-3, 8

I will bless the Lord at all times;
His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
My soul shall make its boast in the Lord;

The humble shall hear of it and be glad.
Oh, magnify the Lord with me,
And let us exalt His name together.

8Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good;
Blessed is the man who trusts in Him.

David wrote this Psalm when he pretended that he was a mad man before King Achish, the King of Gath, who drove him away.  He was fleeing from Saul and went to Gath.  Gath was a Philistine city and they would have welcomed an Israelite defector who was a military leader. However, when they recognized him and declared what the people were saying about him (that he was the king of the land), he became afraid of the king and acted as if he was crazy.  He scratched on the doors of the gate and let his saliva run down his beard.  The king thought he was mad and David was able to depart. It was customary not to harm mentally unstable people.

Even in the midst of being chased by Saul, in danger of the Philistine King, David somehow managed to write this Psalm.  He realized that no matter what the situation or circumstance, he needed to bless or praise the Lord.  He was freed from both situations and he escaped to a cave in Adullam and people gathered to him there.  God heard his cry and offered him a way of escape from his trouble and help in his time of need.  Verse 19 says, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.”  God delivered him out of his troubles as he admitted his need for God. 

We often want to avoid trouble and circumstances.  We complain and want out of those things or circumstances that are not comfortable or pleasant.  We wish to escape trouble, sorrow, grief, loss, daily frustrations, and failures. We cry, complain, and sometimes try to avoid the situation or pray for God to remove it.  However, even in those times, if we admit our need for God, He is willing and able to deliver us.  God hears us and He will answer.  We may not like His answer at times.  His answer might be “Wait”, “I am working it out for you”, or even “No or Not now”.

In spite of His answer, we must bless Him and praise Him.  He is worthy of the praise and He is in control.  God loves us immensely and only has our best interest at heart.  He created us to fulfill His will, not ours.  As we understand that we are but stewards of this life and everything in it, we will surrender to His will and His ways.  God is a loving, faithful, understanding father.  And a loving, faithful, and caring father only wants the best for His children.  It is the struggle, conflict, loss, sorrow, or circumstance that He is using to make us stronger, more enduring, patient, kind, and gentle, etc.  He is working it out for us. 

We are called for His work and to His eternal will.  Surrender bring us to a new level of obedience, trust, and revelation.  He deserves our continual praise.  “Oh magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together.”

Give God the continual praise that He deserves.  In good times, praise Him.  In difficult times, praise Him.  When you feel loved, praise Him.  When you don’t feel loved, praise Him!  Knowing that He loves, sees, hears, protects, guides, and cares for you.  Continual praise even through tears moves God. So give Him all the praise, all the time.  


Be blessed. 

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