Sunday, October 30, 2022

 Wake Up and Strengthen That Which Remains

Revelation 3:2

Wake up, and strengthen the things that remain, which were about to die; for I have not found your deeds completed in the sight of My God.

This is the last blog for October. Revelation was written by John, the Apostle, to the seven churches of Asia.  He was exiled on the Isle of Patmos and was an eye witness of Jesus Christ.  He received a vision from God and was instructed to write to the churches.  He commends their strengths but warns of their weaknesses.  Even though it was addressed to a specific church in Asia, it speaks to the conditions of churches or the church today.  

Revelation 3 was written to the church in Sardis. Sardis was a wealthy city that had two locations. The older section was on a mountain.  When the population outgrew that section, they built a newer section in the valley below.  They were once in a high place and now built in a lower place.  They were called the "dead" church.  The only thing good about them was their name. They were spiritually dead, infested with sin.  Their deeds were evil and their garments were soiled.  They would be removed from the Book of Life if nothing changed.  

The Life Application Bible says that the Spirit didn't have words of commendation for this church because it looked good on the outside and was corrupt on the inside.  He did affirm that some were still faithful believers.  The Spirit admonished them to get up and to return to the foundation of the faith.  They were warned to strengthen those things that were ready to die.  They were on their way out.  Sin had so weakened their faith and light that they were dying.  They had lost their connection with God, even though they looked the part on the outside. 

That is still true today.  Churches can look good on the outside, but be filled with faithless people or those that are dying spiritually.  They hear the Word of God but don't apply the Word to their life.  The seed of the Word is snatched up before they can put it to practice.  Some come, sing, dance, and leave out with no intentions of changing or living a righteous life.  They look the part to the eye, but sin is causing them to die spiritually.  They have strayed away from the truth of God's Word.  

The church was told to wake up! Their wealth, sin, comfort, and self-satisfaction had lulled them to sleep. They wondered from the truth and had become faithless, not growing, and therefore dying.  So we must do the same today, wake up!  The wealth of this world, positions, status, and self-satisfaction have cause some to fall asleep.  We must be in the world and not of it.  We must not be so comfortable in the world that we forget that we were called to affect change, salt and light.  Isaiah 52:1,"Awake, awake, O Zion, clothe yourself with strength." People have to wake up so that their names will not be removed from the Book of Life.

Don't be lulled to sleep by the world.  Wake up and strengthen what remains, the things of God and walk in righteousness.  God sees all and knows all.  The danger of being asleep in this day and age is catastrophic.  Death is eminent.  Wake up and seek God.  He will restore you and you can be faithful again.  He loves you and is waiting for your return.  Return to God today. 

Be blessed. 

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