Thursday, July 13, 2023

 My Soul Longeth After Thee

Psalms 42:1 -2 

As the deer longs for streams of water,
    so I long for you, O God.
I thirst for God, the living God.
    When can I go and stand before him?

It has been some time since the last blog. I have been busy and wanted to really settle myself and hear what God was saying to me before I just tried to write something.  Just as deer’s need water to survive, our lives depend on God.  Those that desperately seek Him will find Him.  They will find peace, joy, and rest.  Most of all they will find eternal life.  

Our souls long after God, to be in His presence. This psalm was attributed to the sons of Korah who were temple musicians and assistants.  It is said that the writer was exiled from Israel and could not worship in the temple.  During the feast, Israel was to remember all that God had done for them.  He had a thirst for God and His presence.  

Thankfully, now God dwells in us and with us.  We can enjoy the presence of God wherever we are.  We don’t just meet Him in church, we can call upon His Name at any time and His presence will be with us.  In our homes, on our jobs, and in the marketplace.  There is not a place that God cannot meet you if you call on Him.  

As the Psalmist says, our souls need to be thirsty for God.  What does thirsty mean?  It means the feeling a need to drink something; having or showing a strong desire for something.  We need to have a strong desire for God, to be in His presence, to gain His wisdom, to hear His voice, to get His direction, to walk in His will…..  You get it!  WE NEED GOD!!!

We need Him like we need air and water.  Without God, our existence is a shadow of what it could be if we are in constant contact with Him.  God loves us so much that He died for us.  Not only to secure eternal life but to walk through this life with us.  He died so that we could have an abundant life here.  I’m not talking about things, I’m talking about the abundance that comes from having access to THE Great I Am, Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.  The Almighty God!!

He has come to give us life.  We may have trials and tribulations but GOD is with us!! He can lead and guide us through, around, and in the midst of any storm.  He is our shield and buckler, our present help in the time of trouble.  He is everything that we need.  

See, our souls (mind, will, and emotions) must long for God.  Because without God, we will fail.  As the song says, we will be like a ship without a sail.  What happens if a ship has no sail?  Ships use sails to harness the power of the wind and move the vessel forward. The momentum of the wind moves the vessel forward. Without the sail to catch the wind, the vessel cannot move forward and get stuck.  You will just drift along and go nowhere.  

I don’t know about you but I don’t want to be going around in circles, going nowhere, without momentum, or being stuck.  I want God to be the wind in my sails, leading and guiding me in the right direction, at the right speed, in the right waters. 

So seek God, let your soul become thirsty for Him. Matt. 5:6 says “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”  When you hunger and thirst after the things of God and righteousness, He will fill you up. 

Be blessed.  

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